
Welcome...Sounds, MIDIs
1812 Overture...Betovens 1812 overture. [*.mid 13297 Bytes]
2001...2001 Space Odisey theme song. [*.mid 12613 Bytes]
Egles-Hotel California...Hotel California song. [*.mid 76427 Bytes]
Mission Imposible...The theme song. [*.mid 38538 Bytes]
Mortal Kombat...The Mortal Kombat theme song. [*.mid 36241 Bytes]
Nirvana-Teen Spirit...Nirvanas "Teen Spirit". [*.mid 59449 Bytes]
Queen-Champion..."We are the champions". [*.mid 39062 Bytes]
Queens-Bohemian...Queens "Boheiman". [*.mid 51221 Bytes]
Terminator 2...Terminator 2, the theme song. [*.mid 14929 Bytes]
X-Files...The X-Files theme song. [*.mid 13894 Bytes]

Welcome...Sounds, WAVs
Woo Hoo...Homer Simpson's Woo Hoo! [*.wav 13857 Bytes]
Wookie...I bent my wookie! [*.wav 35622 Bytes]

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Copyright Beer Lab, Last Update 4/21/1998